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Lights Out with Tacit

Lights Out with Tacit

Sleep, wake, repeat. Read all about how our friends optimize their surroundings, unwind, and relax the mind for a good night—every night.

We sat down with Nuria Madrenas, the founder of Tacit, an online gallery and art consultancy dedicated to female artists, to talk about her nightly bedtime rituals.

Double, Queen, or King? 

I only recently switched to a King-sized bed, and I’m never going back. 

Why is a good night’s sleep important to you? 

Sleep dictates my entire day - my motivation, energy levels, skin health, and so much more. I’m a morning person, so I’m always in bed early to make sure I get a good night’s sleep and I’m ready when my alarm goes off. 

How many hours of sleep do you get a night—or at least dream of getting? 

If I don’t get at least seven, I can’t function. Dramatic, but true. 

Are you a dreamer? 

I would like to say I’m a perfect mix between a dreamer and a doer. I have a big vision, but always make sure to back it up with action. 

What’s currently on your bedside table? 

There’s always a selection of books on rotation. Currently I’m reading “Boom: Mad Money, Mega Dealers, and The Rise of Contemporary Art” and “Your Body Keeps The Score”. Depending on what kind of day it’s been, I choose my nighttime read accordingly. 

Do you partake in any nightly routine before settling into bed? 

The usual - brush my teeth, do my skincare routine, and read a book. Or if it’s been a day, I watch mindless television to shut off before bed. I also keep my phone outside of my bedroom though, so it’s not the last thing I see before I go to sleep or the first thing when I wake up. Boundaries, you know?

Tell us about where the magic happens—and by magic, we mean sleep. How do you optimize your sleep environment? 

My humidifier is the most important aspect to my sleep environment. It helps with my allergies, and I heard it’s also great for your skin. Can’t sleep without it!

If you feel a restless night coming on, is there anything you do to help get you through the night without waking? 

Meditation. I love the Superhuman meditation app for a quick nighttime wind-down. Sometimes I’ll do their legs-up-the-wall meditation, which is great for lymphatic drainage. But generally, setting boundaries with my phone before bed allows me to disconnect and avoid restless nights. 

What kind of pillows do you use to keep your head in the clouds? 

Oh gosh - I have no idea! I’ve had the same pillow for years and it’s my absolute favourite. I’m a thin pillow sleeper (I often find plush hotel pillows to be tough to sleep on), but other than that, I’m unsure of the exact make/model of my fave pillow. 

Last but not least, what is your number one piece of can’t-sleep-without advice? 

No phone in the bedroom is a game-changer! Can’t recommend it enough. Giving your eyes a break from blue light, and giving yourself permission to detach from everything your phone brings - work, social media, responsibility. Put the phone down and get some rest.

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