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tuck Light's Out with Cardea AuSet

Lights Out with Cardea AuSet

Lights Out With Cardea AuSet 

Sleep, wake, repeat. Read all about how our friends optimize their surroundings, unwind, and relax the mind for a good night—every night.

We sat down with Jennifer & Taylor, the founders of Cardea AuSet, a clean line of self care products that are easy-to-use and beautiful, to talk about their nightly bedtime rituals.

1.  Double, Queen, or King? 

J: King!

T: Queen 

2.  Why is a good night’s sleep important to you? 

J: My sleep sets the stage for each day. I have a morning routine that I will drag myself out of bed for, and if I’m going to be my best self, I need a full recharge every night.

T: Since I’ve struggled with sleep in the past I know that when I do have a good night's sleep those are the mornings when I’m feeling my best. A good night's sleep gives me the motivation to get out of bed with a good attitude and enjoy my morning routine, like reading, working out and making breakfast. 

3.  How many hours of sleep do you get a night—or at least dream of getting? 

J: I like to give myself an 8 hour sleep opportunity, so even though I don’t always actually sleep for 8, I’m in bed and unwinding from the day by 10pm.

T:  I always dream of 8 hours, but I am not a great sleeper. I am a very light sleeper which causes me to wake up at the slightest noise. I usually get about six hours and can wake up feeling rested, but if I don’t feel great in the morning  I’ll be pretty easy on myself and sleep in a little later.

4.  Are you a dreamer? 

J: I have really detailed recollections of some of my dreams, and they seem to be inspired by thriller movies. I’ll be escaping from somewhere, battling a villain, or rescuing my cats, sometimes all at the same time.

T: YES! Even though I’m such a light sleeper I still manage to dream and they are usually very vivid dreams that I can remember in the morning, but immediately forget. 

5.  What’s currently on your bedside table? 

J: A framed picture of my beloved cat Ticky (RIP), a Canopy humidifier, a candle (either Cardea’s JUNE or Boy Smells’ KUSH), a rollerball mini of Pheobe for my cuticles, and a bottle of lotion - currently BASD’s Seductive Sandalwood. 

T: I keep it pretty simple! I’ll have whatever book I’m currently reading (Pet Cemetary by Stephen King because it’s spooky season), reading glasses, Ouai hand lotion, a small ceramic bowl that I made which holds tiny little things like the Cardea AuSet Phoebe mini roller for my cuticles, lip conditioner and a hair tie.

6.  Do you partake in any nightly routine before settling into bed?

J: I have a few rituals to settle into bed every night: I take two 200mg Magnesium capsules, light a candle, partake in a little bit of Indica, brush my teeth and do my skincare routine, and then watch a few minutes of whatever show I have going at the moment. I know blue light isn’t recommended in the evenings, but I’m usually asleep within 10 minutes of settling in.

T: My nightly routine is my evening skincare ritual. I find it super relaxing to wash my face and apply my nightly oils. I’m currently using Cardea AuSet Rosa Facial Mist, Pheobe Facial Oil and Sunday Riley ICE moisture cream.  Other than skincare, I will sometimes make a Snooze Brew, go on a short walk with my partner or read a book to unwind.

7.  Tell us about where the magic happens—and by magic, we mean sleep. How do you optimize your sleep environment? 

J: I need a firm mattress for my sheets to be soft and breathable. Also, the temperature in the room needs to be low enough for me to be under the blankets completely, otherwise a monster might grab my foot while I’m asleep.

T: I think the one thing you can do to optimize your sleep is to make your bed in the morning!!! I love the ritual of pulling back the comforter and the sheets and getting into a fresh bed. I am also very into pajama sets - something about wearing cozy pjs to bed makes sleeping that much more enjoyable.

8.  If you feel a restless night coming on, is there anything you do to help get you through the night without waking? 

J: I - as I’m sure so many business owners do - often experience severe anxiety. At its worst, this can have me waking up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts, and unable to get back to sleep. The best remedy for this is prevention - I make sure that I’m taking my supplements (adrenal support, vitamin d, and magnesium are huge!), exercising, and I don’t drink coffee after 3pm. If I’m feeling extra stressed, I open my day-planner and make sure that I have all of my thoughts/ideas/to-do’s written down and out of my head before I tuck in for bed.

T: I struggle with this and am always looking for ways to get a good night's sleep. If I’ve had a couple nights of restless sleep I will usually mix in an extra long run in the morning and a lavender bath at night. 

9.  What kind of pillows do you use to keep your head in the clouds? 

J: I use a copper-infused memory foam pillow and it is supportive and excellent.

T: I’m a fluffy down pillow lover and usually will have two for myself on the bed. I’ve currently been obsessed with the Fairmont Side Sleeper Luxury Feather and Down Pillow. 

10.  Last but not least, what is your number one piece of can’t-sleep-without advice? 

J: Literally, go to bed.

T: It’s personal and about understanding, listen to what your body is telling you it needs right now.  Take that nap, sleep in, wake up before the sunrise, stay in bed and cuddle your pets, go to bed at 9pm and always put your phone down!

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