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Lights Out with 8 Faces

Lights Out with 8 Faces

Sleep, wake, repeat. Read all about how our friends optimize their surroundings, unwind, and relax the mind for a good night—every night.

We sat down with Beth Shuman, the founder of 8 Faces, whose Boundless Solid Oil is a multitasking dream, to talk about her nightly bedtime rituals.

  • Double, Queen, or King? 
  • King

  • Why is a good night’s sleep important to you? 
  • I’ve learned it’s the only way I can really get the most out of my day. I stopped drinking coffee so I need the sleep to recharge my batteries.

  • How many hours of sleep do you get a night—or at least dream of getting? 
  • I do love sleep, and try to get at least 8 hours a night. Luckily my 22 month son also loves sleep or I’d be in trouble.

  • Are you a dreamer? 
  • Oh yes. I believe in dreaming it, then real life-ing it. I actually do get a lot of insights from my dreams. Sometimes that’s where the solutions show up…where I can finally crack the code on something that in the waking hours didn’t have the time to really work out.

  • What’s currently on your bedside table? 
  • Flow water, citrine crystals, tarot cards, a stack of books, and a journal so I don’t forget those insights!

  • Do you partake in any nightly routine before settling into bed? 
  • I listen to Bobby Klein on Spotify. He interprets the I Ching on a weekly podcast and I get so  much out of his readings.

  • Tell us about where the magic happens—and by magic, we mean sleep. How do you optimize your sleep environment? 
  • I just got black out curtains and what a difference that makes! I can also hear the ocean sounds from my son’s room on his little machine thingy and it’s quite soothing. My room is quite minimal and mostly all white and feels like my little zen retreat.

  • If you feel a restless night coming on, is there anything you do to help get you through the night without waking? 
  • Stay off the phone before bed and don’t drink too much water. I recently started taking a few drops of a Bach Flower remedy called white chestnut and it helps calm a chatty mind.

  • What kind of pillows do you use to keep your head in the clouds? 
  • I like feather pillows. 

  • Last but not least, what is your number one piece of can’t-sleep-without advice? 
  • Invest in good bedding and a nice pair of pajamas.

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